Izobraževanja 2019/2020

Bloomberg: Fixed Income securities

Bloomberg: Fixed Income securities

Centralna ekonomska knjižnica vas 20.11. 2018 ob 10.00 vabi na predstavitev, kjer nam bo predstavnik Yunal Seidov na terminalu Bloomberg podal podatke in informacije o trgovanju z vrednostnimi papirji s stalnim donosom.

Predstavitev bo v angleškem jeziku.

Bloomberg je glavni svetovni ponudnik finančnih novic, hkrati pa aktualnih in historičnih informacij ter podatkov v realnem času o cenah, finančnih trgih, novicah o trgovanju in analitiki, športu, ... Storitve Bloomberga  zajemajo lastno platformo, televizijo, radio in revije. Za finančne strokovnjake nudijo profesionalna orodja za analizo. Eden od ključnih prihodkov Bloomberga je dobro poznan Bloomberg Terminal - integrirana platforma, ki združuje podatke o cenah, finančne podatke, novice in podatke o trgovanju za več kot 300.000 strank po vsem svetu.








The Central Economic Library invites you to a Bloomberg presentation on November 20th, 2018 at 10 a.m. where presenter Yunal Seidov will inform us with Bloomberg terminal and Fixed Incoming securities:

  • Analysis and trading in the markets
  • Hot topics and trends
  • Data and information on Fixed Income securities for students

Bloomberg is a major global provider of 24-hour financial news and information, including real-time and historic price data, financials data, trading news, and analyst coverage, as well as general news and sports. Its services, which span its own platform, television, radio, and magazines, offer professional analysis tools for financial professionals. One of Bloomberg's key revenue earners, and what it is well known for, is the Bloomberg Terminal, which is an integrated platform that streams together price data, financials, news, and trading data to more than 300,000 customers worldwide.


10:00 - 11:00
Namenjeno za:/Audience:
Dodiplomski študenti/Undergraduate Students Doktorski študenti/PhD Students Podiplomski študenti/Postgraduate Students
Prijava je končana.