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RCEK-27 (Bloomberg) (Rezervacije računalnikov / Computer reservations) Št. oseb: 1

RCEK-27 (Bloomberg)


Rezervacijski sistem je namenjen študentom Ekonomske fakultete UL za rezervacijo terminov uporabe specializiranih podatkovnih zbirk. Za uporabo potrebujete dovolilnico mentorja in UL e-naslov. Vaša rezervacija bo veljavna šele po potrditvi termina s strani knjižnice.

RCEK-27: Bloomberg
Uporaba: rezervacija računalnika RCEK-27 v Centralni ekonomski knjižnici za uporabo Bloomberg Professional.
Časovna omejitev: 2 uri/dan, od ponedeljka do petka od 10h do 16h.

Do 30. junija 2022 je dostop do Bloomberg v omejenem obsegu mogoč tudi od doma.

Študenti, ki dostop do terminala nujno potrebujete, pošljite prošnjo na izposoja.cek@ef.uni-lj.si ter priložite izpolnjeno in podpisano dovolilnico in izjavo. Prošnjo posredujte vsaj 2 delovna dneva pred načrtovano uporabo terminala. Naknadno boste prejeli dodatna navodila.



SEBLU students use this reservation system for the specialized databases use. You will need special allowance, signed by your mentor, and UL e-mail address. The reservation is valid only after the received Library confirmation.

RCEK-27: Bloomberg
Use: reservation of the computer RCEK-27 in the Central Economics Library for use of Bloomberg Professional terminal.
Reservation limitation: 2 hours per day, Monday-Friday from 10 a.m. till 4 p.m.

Bloomberg will be available remotely to a limited number of students until June 30, 2022.

Please request remote access only if you really need it.

Send an email to izposoja.cek@ef.uni-lj.si and add special allowance, signed by your mentor, and signed declaration. Please send your email at least 2 working days before the planned use of the terminal. Additional instructions will be provided to you afterwards.

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